During our term we rehearse on Monday evenings beginning at 7:45 pm and finishing at 9:45 pm. We also have a tea and coffee break half way through to socialise and receive any updates from our committee.
We are very fortunate that we’re able to rehearse and perform in the same location, The Oxted United Reformed Church on Bluehouse Lane, Oxted. The comfortable and flexible seating, the light, bright, warm and welcoming environment, combined with excellent acoustics and a modern kitchen, provide a first rate rehearsal and concert venue.
Sometimes, our members know they’re not able to sing in a concert but would value the singing experience at rehearsals. Occasionally, the opposite is true – that a choir member would like to participate in a concert but has struggled to attend some of the rehearsals. We don’t have any hard and fast rules regarding these situations as the ability of the singer or other exceptional circumstances may need to be considered. However, to minimise any problems that could arise and ensure that we can produce our best sound on the day, we ask our members to…
Singing at Chartwell
Christmas Concert 2024